Ngāi Tahu Developments ACC Ōtepoti Project

The design of the new Ngāi Tahu property building Ōtepoti was created within a collaborative co-design process undertaken by the Aukaha-Mana ahurea team-representing mana whenua and architects Warren
and Mahoney.

Kāi tahu scholar Megan Potiki initiated the response with a rich cultural narrative and impeccable research on the site. Kāi tahu artist and Mana ahurea designer Kirsten Parkinson then led the design team response with a strong creative vision and deep understanding of Kāi tahu visual culture.

Months of co-design activated a design rich in ancient story, grounded with respect for the natural world and representative of a heritage building for the future of Ōtepoti-Dunedin.

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